Wellness & Confidence Classes
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5 / 3 ratings
Between 19:30-20:30 on Wednesday 12th and Wednesday 26th February in the Resident Lounge.
Join us for an class of physical alignment of Yoga with the stylized subculture of Vogueing. This is an evening of lifestyle fitness brand fusing yoga and voguing, fitness and fashion, set to an iconic 80's beat and designed to empower.
Join us for an class of physical alignment of Yoga with the stylized subculture of Vogueing. This is an evening of lifestyle fitness brand fusing yoga and voguing, fitness and fashion, set to an iconic 80's beat and designed to empower.
It’s for ALL ages, skills and fitness levels, offering a uniquely holistic and cardio experience which guarantees results. The vision is to inspire that
essentially 80s joy to working out, adding sass and glamour to your daily exercise routine.
On Demand Services
4.17 / 2418 ratings
Wellness & Confidence Classes
5 / 3 ratings
Price: Free